Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to Operation: Get Wedding Hot

Oh hey!

We're Late-Night Drama Queen (sometimes LNDQ) and The Sassy Seminarian. We've been best friends since second grade (after hating each other in first - and yes, we always tell people that) and we have just passed the 15th anniversary of our friendship. *sniffle*

Enough sentimentality...

Both of us have struggled with our weights for most of our lives, fluctuating up and down multiple times. We've done Weight Watchers together (well, at the same time at least) and now we're at a crossroads.

In the summer of 2010, The Sassy Seminarian is going to be a bridesmaid in the wedding of one of her best friends from college. And she wants to be HOT (LNDQ already thinks she's hot stuff, but will support her anyway).

LNDQ, while not in any wedding parties, will be attending two weddings (so far) the same summer. And really, who wants to go to a wedding (most likely without a date) and not look hot? After all, isn't it supposed to be a good place to meet men?

So here at Operation: Get Wedding Hot, we're going to be chronicling our journeys over the next eight months or so. We've each got our goals and our plans (which we'll fill you in on separately later) and this is going to be our way to hold ourselves accountable. Hopefully along the way we will gain some followers who will help us celebrate our successes and pick us up from our failures setbacks. Because there will be setbacks. Like not drinking as much alcohol...?! WHAT?! Just kidding, not that big of a deal. Or is it? We're also hoping to offer some tips/advice/helpful tools and maybe some inspiration for others if when we're successful.

We hope you'll join us in this journey!

Late-Night Drama Queen and The Sassy Seminarian


  1. Followed LNDQ over here, love the idea! Have you ladies checked out It's a fabulous site for tracking food and exercise and has lots of great articles on everything from nutrition and fitness to motivation. I'm using it for my 30 Day Shred commitment and have found it really helpful so far. Find me if you decide to join, my sn is JustJumpIn :).

  2. Thanks for the suggestion, love! I might be doing that :)
