Tuesday, December 29, 2009



There's a new post on this blog?? Someone must have hijacked LNDQ's blogger account (because we all know she's moved to the infinitely-better wordpress anyway) and decided to wreak some havoc on this hopping operation...

So anyway, it's been a month and 17 days since I updated last. Life got in the way. Of life. Yeah.

Buuuut, I'm almost finished my third month of work and WOOOOOT about three weeks ago, I moved right around the corner from work, so I'm no longer wasting 2+ hours of my day commuting! Which meannnnnns, I'm getting back into the swing of this whole being healthy and losing weight thing.

Two really good things about this move:
  • My apartment complex has a gym that has the essentials and usage fees are included in rent.
  • My roommate, aside from being sheerly amazing, is totally into working out and getting on this healthy kick for me. We've been helping each other out in the willpower department.
We started working out last week, I guess. But this week we've kicked our plan into high gear. We went to the gym on Monday and kicked each other's asses, then went to the grocery store while we were still on our health kick and made sure to get lots of healthy food. We came back with only one "unhealthy" item - Kraft macaroni and cheese. On sale for a freaking dollar a box. And that's my hangover food of choice, so we need it on hand. All the other stuff is super healthy, so that should get us in the right frame of mind.

Tuesdays are our weekly happy hours, so we were unsure how we were going to fare today. Well, we intended to get up and go to the gym at 6:15 this morning to counteract the happy hour action after work. Fail. We both slept through our alarms (AND beyond our normal wake-up times...double fail) and didn't make it. But after happy hour, we came home, I dug out my Billy Blanks Boot Camp DVD and we did that and some other exercises for about an hour. We were very proud of ourselves, but will probably hate ourselves (or Billy) in the morning.

Our plan is to alternate going to the gym and doing workout videos for a bit of variety in the routine to keep our bodies from getting into a slump and getting used to what we're doing.

I'm hoping to start updating this (as well as my regular blog) more often now. Obviously my initial goal of 20 lbs by January 1 is NOT happening. I guess the new year will provide a good catalyst for setting new goals, so I'll be back on Sunday with a weigh-in, goals and specifics of the plan!

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