Alright, so I guess I should finally update this and let you all (umm, all three of you...) know how this week has been so far.
I went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of healthy food so I can start cooking for myself again. Let me tell you, it is
really hard to cook for one person And to eat by yourself. I feel like such a loser. But a lot of times, if I'm going to a friend's apartment for dinner, I might as well drive myself to the hospital afterward to have my arteries unclogged. Luckily, some of my friends have been kind enough to let me cook for them, so I made a delicious and healthy stir fry the other night and it was great. I need to do more of that. Or just start cooking for myself.
Next week starts the butt-kicking workouts. I've been really, really terrible about getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Mostly because I go and sit in my friends' apartment for a few hours every night. I should probably nip that in the bud, but it's hard when I live by myself and get really lonely when I just sit in my apartment and do my own thing. Anyway, I need to start getting to bed by 10:00 (oh geeze) so I can get up and be at the gym by 5:45. I figure I can still get seven hours of sleep with that kind of a schedule; it's just a matter of sticking to it. I'll probably do the gym on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, since the previous nights aren't too terrible.
I talked to Pinks last night (btw, that's the new nickname for ALP, the bride) and she was asking what I see myself in for the wedding. We got to talking about O: GWH, and she was so incredibly supportive. Not at all because she wants me to look a certain way for her wedding, but because she wants me to be happy. It's great to have such awesome friends :]
Alright, so now for the goals. By Christmas, I want to have lost 20 pounds. That's in 11 weeks, so it's going to mean some serious business. But it needs to be done. Ideally, by July, I would like to be down at least 50 pounds total. I'm not sure if that's feasible or not; it assumes more than a pound a week overall, and I know from experience that when I get to a certain point, I hit a plateau and can't get past it. I think it really is about having a goal in mind, in terms of how I want to look for the wedding, and just always striving for that.
Now, a practical do I get a bridesmaid dress in the next few months when I'm hoping to lose so much weight?!