Monday, October 19, 2009

Week Three Wrap-up & Weigh-In

This is gonna be a quickie because I'm tired (that's what she said?).

Starting weight: 185 lbs.
Today's weight: 180 lbs.
This week's change: - 2 lbs.
Total change: -5 lbs.

YIPPPEEEEE! I was so worried I wasn't going to loss this week with not really having the time for exercise, but I did!

Weekly goals wrapup:
  • My main goal for this week was to exercise daily. I FAILED. With the hour (one-way) commute, I've been too exhausted to do anything.
  • Eight glasses of water? False. I don't drink as much water at work. I wouldn't have time to DO work if I kept refilling my water bottle (and subsequently peeing!)
  • Fruits and veggies? Definitely not.
  • Reducing alcohol consumption? Errrrrr...thanks to #pbandtuna, not so much.

Setbacks: I sit on my butt all day. I drive two hours every day. I get home and want to sleep. Thus, no exercise.

Goal for this week: Exercise. Take healthier lunches.

I guess that the lack of exercise has evened out with the fact that I'm not eating as much since I'm at work. I'm OK with that. But I miss exercising. I did get home tonight with a boat-load of energy, so I went for a powerwalk, which was great, but that's not gonna happen often, unfortunately.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Week Two Wrap-Up & Weigh-In

It's that time of the week! Weigh-in day!

Starting weight: 185 lbs.
Today's weight: 182 lbs.
This week's change: - 2 lbs.
Total change: -3 lbs.

Progress! This week was a loss of two pounds, which I attribute to the ridiculous amount of working out that I did and my renewed focus on eating well. Hopefully I can continue to lose two pounds per week from here on out.

Weekly goals wrapup:
  • My main goal for this week was my multivitamin, which I remembered five out of seven days. I think that this will get better as I start working and have more of a routine.
  • Eight glasses of water? Check.
  • Fruits and veggies? Could've been better.
  • Varying the workouts? I did great with that. Focused on strength one day, cardio the next.
  • Reducing alcohol consumption? CHECK. Two drinks total. I'm OK with that.

Setbacks: The biggest challenge this week was being away for two and a half days. I went back to my alma mater for the weekend and that of course meant eating out for every meal. I probably ate too much and didn't make the best choices, so I think that the restaurant dilemma is going to be something that plagues me for a while.

Goal for this week: Make sure to exercise daily. I start my job tomorrow and I'm concerned that since I will now be losing my gym time, I'm going to let it slip. So I am hoping to make myself go out walking/jogging every night when I get home.

Holy cow!

This is going to be a short post, because I have to get ready for work and class, but I wanted to update y'all. This week went pretty well in terms of eating, though there were two or three meals when I either ate more than I should have, or a little bit of something that was incredibly unhealthy. It was relatively easy to get back on track, but I was a little worried about those missteps.

Well, I weighed in this morning, and I'm down 3.8 pounds! My snazzy new scale has users and all of that fancy stuff built in, and it tells you how much you've lost or gained since your last weigh in (which is great for those of us who can't do mental math early in the morning...or most other times, for that matter), and I literally had to crouch down and stare at it to make sure it said what I thought it did. So I re-weighed myself, and yes, it's true. Such a fabulous feeling.

I think I owe it to portion control. Last night, I made dinner for two of my friends, and instead of piling all of the food in the middle of the table, I made up our plates and brought them to the table. I didn't feel compelled to get up and get more, and it wasn't just within my reach. Earlier this week, when I ate in the dining hall, I got my big salad and just a few buffalo wings, and I used my little bit of self-control to not get up and get more. It seems to be working, so I'm excited to see what happens when we throw working out into the mix!

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Beginning

Alright, so I guess I should finally update this and let you all (umm, all three of you...) know how this week has been so far.

I went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of healthy food so I can start cooking for myself again. Let me tell you, it is really hard to cook for one person And to eat by yourself. I feel like such a loser. But a lot of times, if I'm going to a friend's apartment for dinner, I might as well drive myself to the hospital afterward to have my arteries unclogged. Luckily, some of my friends have been kind enough to let me cook for them, so I made a delicious and healthy stir fry the other night and it was great. I need to do more of that. Or just start cooking for myself.

Next week starts the butt-kicking workouts. I've been really, really terrible about getting to bed at a reasonable hour. Mostly because I go and sit in my friends' apartment for a few hours every night. I should probably nip that in the bud, but it's hard when I live by myself and get really lonely when I just sit in my apartment and do my own thing. Anyway, I need to start getting to bed by 10:00 (oh geeze) so I can get up and be at the gym by 5:45. I figure I can still get seven hours of sleep with that kind of a schedule; it's just a matter of sticking to it. I'll probably do the gym on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, since the previous nights aren't too terrible.

I talked to Pinks last night (btw, that's the new nickname for ALP, the bride) and she was asking what I see myself in for the wedding. We got to talking about O: GWH, and she was so incredibly supportive. Not at all because she wants me to look a certain way for her wedding, but because she wants me to be happy. It's great to have such awesome friends :]

Alright, so now for the goals. By Christmas, I want to have lost 20 pounds. That's in 11 weeks, so it's going to mean some serious business. But it needs to be done. Ideally, by July, I would like to be down at least 50 pounds total. I'm not sure if that's feasible or not; it assumes more than a pound a week overall, and I know from experience that when I get to a certain point, I hit a plateau and can't get past it. I think it really is about having a goal in mind, in terms of how I want to look for the wedding, and just always striving for that.

Now, a practical do I get a bridesmaid dress in the next few months when I'm hoping to lose so much weight?!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week One Wrap-up & Weigh-in

Today is Monday, and thus the beginning of week two and my first weigh-in day. Here we go...

Starting weight: 185 lbs.
Today's weight: 184 lbs.
Total change: -1 lb.

One pound. It's not as great a difference as I was hoping for, but considering the three meals out this week and the drinks at the bar on Thursday, I'm OK with that one pound. Quite frankly, I was expecting a gain or no change at all.

Weekly goals wrapup:
  • I definitely got my eight glasses of water daily, if not more.
  • I did not get my multivitamin everyday - I need to figure out a better way to make myself do that.
  • I got at least four out of my five fruits and veggies every day.
  • I did far more cardio than I did strength, so I need to work on that again.
  • Alcohol consumption - big fail this week.

Setbacks: Big setbacks for me this week were in regards to eating out. I posted about the Outback meal I had, which killed me. On Saturday when I was in DC, we ate lunch at Au Bon Pain and I didn't choose the best option. And then chinese food for dinner that night - beef and broccoli is a BIG fail. Basically, I need to start being more deliberate about what I'm going to order when I go out for meals, looking up nutrition facts before going and adjusting my day appropriately.

Goal for this week: Multivitamin. I'm also going to need the energy from my multivitamin to help me adjust to getting up early for my job starting a week from tomorrow.

Friday, October 2, 2009

A little setback...

Yesterday was a bit of a crazy day for me. I found out that I got the job I'd interviewed for last week, so I was beyond excited. My parents took me out to dinner to celebrate, which I greatly appreciated, and then I also went out with some friends for drinks later on.

Um. Yeah. I just updated my SparkPeople page with my nutrition and fitness facts for yesterday and I honestly don't want to eat for QUITE some time. We went to Outback Steakhouse and when I just looked up the nutrition information for the meal I ordered, it was not pretty. It had enough calories for my whole day, MORE fat than my whole day and I don't even want to talk about the sodium.

I am not going to be ordering that EVER again.

And then I looked up information for an amaretto sour, which is what I drank at the bar last night. 467 calories each. WHAT?! My total calorie count for the day yesterday was nearly 3,000!!! This is SOOOOOOO not OK. I've really gotta make up for it today and over the weekend because this is a huge setback for my first week.

Ugh, talk about bringing you down from a high...